Let’s Fight The Isolation Blues
The current health situation is making it impossible for musicians to earn a living, as more and more concerts and events are being cancelled. At Wang Dang Doodle Tees we care about the people that make the music we love so we have started a program to help support musicians in need.
This is a custom designed logo for Memphis blues artist Tony Holiday.
During these challenging times you can create and sell branded merchandise at no cost. FOR FREE!
If you have a logo or artwork already we can print it onto items like these and sell them for you;
- Apparel
- Mugs
- Posters
- Wall Clocks
- And more
We will create the merchandise and sell it for you from a custom page on our website or we can send you a link that you can include in your existing website.
Our process is print-on-demand so the key is that we sell it online and don’t buy merchandise first and then try and sell it.
Only have a crappy scan of a twenty year old doodle? No problem!
We can “clean-up” your existing artwork so it looks professionally designed. Depending on the complexity we will do this at no charge as well.
Need original design? That’s our specialty! We can create original artwork in any style.
Since it’s print-on-demand you can offer your designs on a wide variety of items and colors, for free. You can charge my usual rates for your products or you can set your own prices.

We have created a page on this website with links to all of the custom musician pages and we will promote that page throughout social media.
In order to achieve this we will ask for $1 per item sold for advertising. Depending on the products and margins you will receive 93%-99% of the profits for yourself. You never have to actually send us any money or payment of any kind for this service. The dollar will simply be deducted from your weekly payout. We send payment to you via Paypal weekly but can setup other means, as needed.

We are only offering this opportunity during the current public health situation.
If you are interested in taking advantage of this limited time opportunity then please use this form to send your inquiry and please attach any artwork.
We will reply within the hour with an email that lists the items available, the pricing options, and details about how it all works.